宿泊約款・利用規則/Accommodation Terms and Conditions・Usage Rules
第1条 本約款の適用
第2条 宿泊契約の申込み
(1) 氏名、住所、電話番号、宿泊日
(2) 外国人にあっては、国籍、旅券番号
(3) その他、当施設が必要と認めた事項
第3条 契約の成立
第4条 宿泊契約締結の拒否
【4】宿泊しようとする者が、次の事項に該当すると認められるとき。 暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第77号)第2条第2号に規定する暴力団(以下「暴力団」という。)、同条第2条第6号に規定する暴力団員(以下 「暴力団員」という。)、暴力団準構成員又は暴力団関係者その他の反社会勢力。暴力団又は暴力団員が事業活動を支配する法人その他の団体であるとき。法人でその役員のうちに暴力団員に該当するものがあるもの。
第5条 宿泊者の契約解除
第6条 当館の契約解除
(1) 宿泊客が宿泊に関し、法令の規定、公の秩序もしくは善良の風俗に反する行為をするおそれがあると認められるとき、または同行為をしたと認められるとき。
(2) 宿泊客が次の事項に該当すると認められるとき。
(3) 宿泊客がほかの宿泊客等(利用施設職員、近隣住民含む)に迷惑を及ぼす行為をしたとき。
(4) 宿泊客が伝染病者であると明らかに認められるとき。
(5) 宿泊に関し暴力的要求行為が行われ、又は合理的な範囲を超える負担を求められたとき。
(6) 天災等不可抗力に起因する事由により宿泊させることができないとき。
(7) 第3条第2項の予約金の支払いを請求した場合において期限までにその支払がないとき。
(8) 第2条第1項及び第3項の事項と異なるとき。
(9) 当館が定める利用規則に従わないとき。
第7条 宿泊の登録
(1) 氏名、住所、電話番号、宿泊日
(2) 外国人にあっては、国籍、旅券番号
(4) その他、当施設が必要と認めた事項
第8条 当館の使用時間
第9条 利用規則の遵守
第10条 宿泊料金の支払い
第11条 当館の責任
第12条 宿泊客の責任
第13条 金銭その他貴重品
第14条 インターネット通信の使用
第15条 本約款の変更
Travel Stay Utsunomiya(以下、当館という)では、お客様に安全かつ快適にご利用頂くために、次の通り利用規則を定めておりますので、ご協力下さいますようお願い申し上げます。この規則をお守り頂けない場合は、当館内諸施設のご利用をお断りいたします。
セルフチェックイン受付 15時〜24時
【1】Travel Stay Utsunomiyaを当館以外の第三者が使用することを禁じます。
Accommodation terms and conditions
The accommodation terms and conditions below are written on a 24-hour basis.
Accommodation terms and conditions
Article 1 Application of these Terms and Conditions
[1] Accommodation contracts and related contracts entered into by this hotel with guests shall be in accordance with the provisions of these terms and conditions, and matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions shall be subject to laws and regulations or generally established customs. It shall be based on the following.
[2] Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, our museum may accept special agreements to the extent that they do not violate the purpose of these terms and conditions, laws and customs.
Article 2 Application for accommodation contract
[1] Those who wish to apply for an accommodation contract with this hotel must provide the following information to the hotel.
(1) Name, address, telephone number, date of stay
(2) For foreigners, nationality and passport number
(3) Other matters deemed necessary by this facility.
[2] If a guest requests to continue staying beyond the accommodation date specified in Item 1 of the preceding paragraph during their stay, this facility will treat the request as having been applied for a new accommodation contract at the time the request is made. To do.
[3] Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to stay.
Article 3 Establishment of contract
[1] The accommodation contract shall be concluded when the hotel accepts the application set forth in the preceding article. However, this does not apply if the hotel proves that it did not consent.
[2] When an accommodation contract is established pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, we will specify the period and request payment of the accommodation fee for the period of stay.
Article 4 Refusal to conclude an accommodation contract
The hotel may not accept the conclusion of an accommodation contract in the following cases:
[1] When there are no rooms available due to full occupancy.
[2] When the application for accommodation does not comply with these terms and conditions.
[3] When it is recognized that there is a risk that the person seeking accommodation may engage in acts that violate legal provisions, public order, or good morals regarding accommodation.
[4] When the person seeking accommodation is deemed to fall under any of the following matters. Organized crime groups (hereinafter referred to as "organized crime groups") as defined in Article 2, Item 2 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991); as defined in Article 2, Item 6 of the same Article A member of an organized crime group (hereinafter referred to as "member of an organized crime group"), a semi-member of an organized crime group, a person associated with an organized crime group, or other anti-social forces. When an organized crime group or organized crime group member is a corporation or other organization that controls business activities. Corporations whose officers are members of organized crime groups.
[5] When the person attempting to stay overnight is clearly recognized to have a contagious disease.
[6] When a person seeking accommodation makes violent demands or demands a burden that exceeds a reasonable range against the facility or the staff of the facility.
[7] When accommodation is not possible due to natural disasters, facility failures, or other unavoidable reasons.
[8] If the act is determined to be a nuisance to other customers.
Article 5: Cancellation of the guest's contract
[1] The guest may cancel the accommodation contract by notifying the hotel.
[2] If the hotel cancels the accommodation contract in whole or in part due to reasons attributable to the guest, the hotel will charge a penalty based on the following items. 〔penalty〕
(1) If the accommodation contract is for less than 6 days and is canceled on the day before or on the day of the stay, or if it is not returned without notification, 100% of the accommodation fee will be charged (excluding private reservations).
(2) If you cancel an accommodation contract for 7 days or more, from 2 days to the day of your stay, or if you do not arrive without contacting us, 100% of the accommodation fee will be charged.If you cancel from 5 days to 3 days before your stay, you will be charged 100% of the accommodation fee. 50% (excluding private reservations)
(3) If you cancel a private accommodation contract from 4 days before the date of your stay, or if you fail to arrive without contacting us, 100% of the accommodation fee will be charged.
[6] If the guest does not arrive by 24:00 on the day of accommodation, the facility may treat the accommodation reservation as having been cancelled.
Article 6 Cancellation of contract with this museum
[1] The hotel may cancel the accommodation contract in the following cases.
(1) When the Guest is deemed to be at risk of committing an act that violates the provisions of laws and regulations, public order, or good morals regarding accommodation, or when it is recognized that the Guest has committed the same act.
(2) When the Guest is deemed to fall under any of the following matters.
An organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a quasi-member of an organized crime group, a person related to an organized crime group, or other anti-social forces When an organized crime group or an organized crime group member is a corporation or other organization that controls business activities.
Corporations whose officers are members of organized crime groups
(3) When a guest engages in an act that causes a nuisance to other guests, etc. (including facility staff and neighboring residents).
(4) When the guest is clearly recognized as having a contagious disease.
(5) When violent demands are made regarding accommodation or a burden that exceeds a reasonable range is demanded.
(6) When accommodation is not possible due to reasons caused by force majeure such as natural disasters.
(7) If payment of the reservation deposit set forth in Article 3, Paragraph 2 is requested, but the payment is not made by the deadline.
(8) When the matters differ from Article 2, Paragraphs 1 and 3.
(9) When you do not comply with the usage rules established by our facility.
Article 7 Accommodation registration
[1] Guests must register the following information at the hotel reception on the day of their stay.
(1) Name, address, telephone number, date of stay
(2) For foreigners, nationality and passport number
(4) Other matters deemed necessary by this facility.
Article 8 Hours of use of our facility
[1] Guests may use guest rooms at the hotel from 3:00 PM to 10:00 AM the next morning. However, if you stay for consecutive nights, you can use it all day except for the day of arrival and the day of departure.
[2] If the guest's baggage or personal belongings are left behind in the hotel or guest room after the guest has checked out, the hotel will take appropriate measures based on laws and regulations. When the owner of the baggage or personal effects is clearly identified, the Hotel may (but is not obligated to) contact the owner and request instructions based on its discretion.
[3] If a guest uses common areas or other areas of the hotel other than the guest room after checking out, a corresponding fee will be charged.
Article 9 Compliance with usage rules
Guests must follow the hotel's usage rules.
Article 10 Payment of accommodation fees
[1] Payment of fees will be charged in advance by cash or credit card or other method approved by the hotel.
[2] Even if the guest voluntarily chooses not to stay after the hotel has provided a guest room to the guest and the guest is able to use the room, the accommodation fee will still be charged.
Article 11 Responsibilities of our museum
[1] The hotel's responsibility for accommodation begins when the guest registers for accommodation at the hotel's reception or enters the guest room, whichever comes first, and ends when the guest checks out for departure. .
[2] The hotel is not responsible for any accidents that occur due to guests not following the hotel's usage rules.
[3] If we are unable to provide a guest room due to reasons attributable to our hotel, we will provide the guest with another accommodation facility with the same conditions as possible, unless it is difficult due to natural disasters or other reasons. shall be the mediator.
Article 12 Responsibilities of guests
If the Hotel incurs damage due to the Guest's intention or negligence, the Guest shall compensate the Hotel for the damage.
Article 13 Money and other valuables
You are responsible for managing your money and other valuables at your own risk. The museum is not responsible for any damage such as loss or damage.
Article 14 Use of Internet communications
[1] Users are responsible for their own use of internet communications within this facility. The museum will not be held responsible for any damages sustained by users as a result of service interruption due to system failure or other reasons.
[2] When using Internet communications, if any damage is expected or caused to the Museum or a third party due to conduct that the Museum deems inappropriate, the amount equivalent to the damage will be charged.
Article 15 Changes to these Terms and Conditions
The contents may be changed without prior notice in case of matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions or if deemed necessary for conducting business.
Usage rules
Travel Stay Utsunomiya (hereinafter referred to as the hotel) has established the following usage rules for the safety and comfort of our guests, and we ask for your cooperation. If you do not abide by this rule, you will be refused access to the facilities within the hotel.
Scope of application
[1] This policy applies to visitors who use all facilities of the hotel (including all accommodation facilities, grounds, etc., hereinafter collectively referred to as "facilities within the hotel"). However, for anything not stipulated in these rules, the accommodation terms and conditions will apply.
Matters related to fire prevention and security
[1] Smoking is prohibited throughout the hotel. If you wish to smoke, please be sure to use the designated outdoor smoking area.
[2] Please do not enter facilities not intended for use by customers, such as the backyard or the main building.
Regarding handling of deposited items, lost items, etc.
Lost and found items will be disposed of in accordance with the law (Lost and Found Act).
Regarding various facilities within the hotel
You are free to use the washing machine at our hotel, but please take out your laundry immediately after use and do not disturb the next user. Additionally, we do not accept any comments regarding the performance of our laundry equipment.
Regarding available hours of facility equipment
Self check-in reception 15:00-24:00
Common space, kitchen, shower room, hair dryer, washing machine (6:00-23:00)
Guests may use the hotel's facilities from 3:00 PM on the day of check-in to 10:00 on the day of check-out.
things related to behavior
[1] Customers using this hotel must always follow the instructions of the hotel staff. If you do not consent, you may be asked to leave the building.
[2] Only customers who have made a contract with the hotel may enter and exit the hotel.
[3] Smoking is prohibited throughout the hotel.
[4] Please dispose of garbage generated within the facility according to the sorting methods set out at the facility.
[5] Those who have consumed alcohol inside the hotel are not allowed to drive a car or bicycle.
[6] Dangerous items or items prohibited by law may not be brought into the facility.
[7] Although there is no curfew or lights out at our hotel, please be mindful of your behavior so as not to disturb other guests or nearby residents.
Regarding responsibility
We are not responsible for any troubles that occur between our hotel users. Please be sure to resolve the matter between the parties involved.
Other prohibitions
[1] Gambling or acts that disturb public morals at various facilities within the facility.
[2] Loud voices, singing, or other noisy acts that may cause inconvenience to other guests at our facilities.
[3] It is recognized that there is a risk of causing a nuisance to other customers due to extremely unclean body or clothing.
[4] Using the guest room for purposes other than lodging and eating and drinking without permission from the hotel.
[5] Bringing items into the facility that may cause a nuisance to other guests.
stomach. Animals such as dogs, cats, small birds, and pets in general (excluding guide dogs and service dogs)
B. Explosives and oils that are easily ignited or flammable, dangerous products, things that emit bad odors, and other items whose possession is prohibited by law, etc.
[6] Acts that change the current state of the facility, such as causing damage or foreign objects to the facilities and items in the facility, or moving them to another location without permission from the facility. Also, the act of taking it out of the building.
[7] Conducting advertisements, distributing promotional materials, posting notices, selling goods, soliciting, business activities, etc., distributing leaflets, signing campaigns, etc. without permission at various facilities within the museum.
[8] Publishing photographs taken within the museum for business purposes without permission from the museum.
[9] Any other acts that the museum deems inappropriate.
Regarding information
[1]Travel Stay Utsunomiya is prohibited from being used by any third party other than the hotel.
[2] Our hotel is a guest house defined as a simple lodging facility and is operated under a hotel business license.
[3] The personal information you register when using our facility will be protected in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, and will not be disclosed, transferred, or sold to any third party. However, the following cases are excluded as exceptions.
stomach. If the customer has given prior consent to disclosure.
B. When disclosure is required by law or a competent government agency.
[4] The contents of these Terms of Use are subject to change without notice, and there is no obligation to provide advance notice.
Regarding patrols of our staff within the facility.
Male staff may be responsible for cleaning and patrolling the building. Thank you for your understanding and understanding.